About Me

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New York, NY, United States
I am a Photographer in the New York and Boston areas. I recently moved to Manhattan from Long Island and am looking forward to creating a client base in the city. Contact me if you are ever looking to build up your portfolio. Also, hair stylists and make up artists, I am looking for some talented people to help showcase their work while adding to my own. I feel that my specialties are child photography, and live band photography.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm always up... and you're always around.

SO, I managed to get a photo pass for Umphrey's McGee at Gathering of the Vibes and I have to say... taking 500 photos over a 2 hour set was probably way too many...

But, I was too excited to stop shooting.  I've taken photos of local bands for so long that I have been feeling as if I was stuck in a rut with my photography and I didn't think I could really go anywhere with it in the future, but this little kick of energy was enough inspiration to remind myself not to throw away this hobby that I love so much.  I am not saying that I have decided to go back to this as a career, but I certainly don't want to forget about it like I have been slowly doing.  And, the excitement of meeting Brendan Bayliss (guitar/vocals) and Ryan Stasick (bass) about an hour before their performance just enhanced the experience.

Here are a few of the photos of Umphrey's from Vibes:

As excited as I was, I was still timid because it was my first photo pass ever, so I feel as if these shots have all been taken before.  I really can't wait to have access to photo passes in the future and be able to step outside the box and really take some unique shots.

And, speaking of getting another photo pass, I got MY first official pass for Umphrey's at Westbury Theater on Long Island.  It was a really cool fabric, and I was excited to keep it, frame it, wear it every day... but then I washed it in the laundry and it got ruined... at least I have PHOTO memories!

The venue was really awesome, but not too conducive to taking photos.  I mostly took video, using my cousin Megan's d90 nikon slr camera.  I still have yet to edit the videos, because I don't really know how to.  But I will eventually clip it together.  They are all bits so I will have to put a recorded audio clip behind it, but I think it will still be cool.  I do have a few stills, but I am not sure if I took them or Megan did, but I will add them anyway.  We also somehow got back stage to meet all of the guys from Umphrey's and I must say, they were really awesome.  I always think about what it would be like to meet my idols and how I would feel about it afterwords, but I have to say that it was a really great night.  They didn't ruin any expectations that I held for them, they only raised them.  The night entailed silly Polish girls, bros named Marley, shitty beer, a painful, against my will boob signing, and a late night Diner run.

Photos from Umphrey's at Westbury and the aftermath:

So, all in all a very Umphrey's month.  And, to top it off I can't stop listening to 30db, which is Brendan Bayliss of Umphrey's and Jeff Austin of Yonder Mountain String Band.  I chatted about them in a previous blog, but as of now I have become full fledged obsessed.  Check out their album 30db: One Man Show!

I shall end this blog off with some photos from the rest of Vibes:

Fun things in that bunch are Jackie Greene, cute little kids, and the McLovins.  I seriously recommend this festival for anyone within a few hours of Connecticut... the weather was beautiful, and the scenery was even better.

Later days,


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